Talisman: An object imbued with intention, energy, magic.
Have you ever had that one singular piece of jewelry that holds special meaning to you? Your lucky charm? Your perfect piece that made you feel powerful or somehow strengthened by wearing it? Perhaps it was a gift from a mentor, or one that called to you in a shop window, or you purchased it directly from the artist who made it at a craft fair. When you wear it you feel a heightened sense of well-being. Maybe even a sense of protection or increased confidence.
This is your talisman.
Since ancient times, cultures the world over have found comfort in talismans that ranged in purpose from protection, fertility, attraction and good fortune, to safe passage to the afterlife. A Talisman is an object which you choose to attach meaning to with your intention. If worn, it can be a constant companion and reminder of a wide variety of inspirations or intentions. These days the word talisman is rarely used, yet many jewelry designers still attach meaning or intention to our designs, following in the footsteps of our ancient ancestors. We adopt the traditional meanings and healing properties attached to different gemstones and symbols and incorporate them into our designs, creating meaningful intentional adornments. I personally have several talisman pieces that I wear for different reasons. One to inspire calm, one to focus on abundance in my work life, one to stay connected to family members who have passed, one to lift my mood...and several more.
The "Inner Calm" talisman in the photo above includes freshwater pearls, labradorite and amethyst gemstones, as well as a lotus flower charm I made from fine silver. These pearls and stones are ones chosen for their traditional use of bringing about a state of clam and for their gentle healing properties. The lotus flower symbol is a reminder of serene beauty and peace rising up out of the mess and mud of life. When I create each talisman piece, I focus my thoughts on the intention behind the piece. I play music in my studio while I work, and imbue each piece with positive energy by focusing on the theme of the piece and the well-being of the person who will eventually wear it.
These modern day talisman pieces are a great way to take a moment and stay connected to your own intention. Simply hold the talisman in your hand, close your eyes and take a deep breath while focusing on your intention. Wearing a talisman gives you a tangible reminder to stay connected to your purpose in the rush of life. Perhaps it inspires you to perform well, to relax and be in the moment or simply feel protected. I created the 'Inner Calm' talisman with the intention to inspire you to take a deep breath and close your eyes for a moment to rest and recharge. The world moves so fast, with so much information thrown our way every moment. Let your inner calm talisman be a reminder to slow down, breathe deep and find your own inner calm wherever you are.
Other talisman themes in this collection include: Abundance, Moon Time, Gentle Healing, Gifts from the Sea, Awakening Spirit, Goddess of Transitions, Creative Journeys, Protection, Inner Wisdom and more to come. Each piece is made individually with natural gemstones and recycled fine silver. Small variations in color, size and shape of the beads are to be expected when working with natural materials, and help to create truly one of a kind pieces. It is especially heart warming as a artist when a customer finds just the right piece that holds the intention they were looking for to give as a gift to a loved one, or to wear as their own talisman. I love to hear stories of connections fostered by these pieces.
All Renzianni Designs talisman jewelry is available through my shop page on this website, www.renziannidesigns.com
Please contact me at julianne@renziannidesigns.com if you would like to put together a custom talisman piece.
I especially love to make pieces that hold personal meaning for my customers.